There has been a considerable amount of coverage lately regarding Ada County’s ambulance district and the Boise Fire Department’s apparent desire to get into the emergency medical transport business. I am the Board liaison to our Ada County Paramedics (ACP) Department. I volunteered for this assignment because I am passionate […]
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Things have been busy and I haven’t posted on here for a little while but I will try to get caught up here, or you can catch me out at the Western Idaho Fair. The fair is in full swing. Attendance is up. At the halfway mark, we have seen […]
Fine Fare for Fair Fans
I am frequently asked what an Ada County commissioner does. County commissioners in all 44 counties around the state do pretty much the same thing – we just do it 44 different ways. For a county the size of ours, with 408,000 residents, this position is full-time and then some. […]
Days ‘N’ Nights
• Several people who are contemplating running for office have contacted me recently, seeking advice on how to win an election. The best advice I have to give them is to get involved, stay involved and become informed. There you have it in a nutshell. • Along the same lines, […]
Bits ‘N’ Bytes
Yesterday, we officially adopted a $171 million budget for the upcoming 2009-2010 fiscal year that begins on October 1. We cut 11.4 percent, or $22 million, from the previous year’s $193 million budget. It was the first time I ever voted in favor of an Ada County budget. Although I […]
What We Wouldn’t Cut
Ada County’s Indigent Services medical payments budget is increasing by a half a million dollars, from $2.9 million to $3.4 million, this coming fiscal year. Sadly, that increase might not be enough. According to state law, County property taxpayers are required to pay the necessary medical expenses for people whose […]
County Indigent Program Costs Increase
As I have mentioned previously, I believe the decision about whether to immunize our children should be left in the hands of parents, not the government. I believe that as parents we must take it upon ourselves to research the issue and decide for ourselves whether our children are better […]
Immunization Clinics
I am a firm believer in individual personal responsibility. When welfare assistance is needed, my preference is for private sector organizations such as the Salvation Army, Idaho Foodbank, and religious organizations, to provide necessary social services whenever possible. When help is needed, I still believe the best kind is a […]
Life on the Edge
This community cares. On Friday, over 2300 volunteers showed up to assist in the search for young Robert Manwill, whose sudden disappearance on July 24 has touched this community deeply and moved people to action. As a county, we are involved in the search efforts through the Ada County Sheriff’s […]