Earlier this week, my colleagues and I met with the two groups under consideration by Ada County to lease the horse racing facilities at Les Bois Park. We were encouraged by what we heard. Although it will take a little while longer to get details worked out and a lease […]
Monthly Archives: May 2009
Tonight, someone asked me where he could submit suggestions for how Ada County could reduce the budget by saving money. All such suggestions are gratefully welcomed. Please feel free to post them on this blog. Thank you!
Savings Anyone?
Last Monday, the Boards of the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) and Valley Regional Transit (VRT) met together and spent several hours discussing whether the two organizations should merge. On Wednesday, the VRT Board met alone and continued the discussion. According to the mission statement on the Board’s […]
Clancy ~ Eric is correct. Landfill fees were much lower when there weren’t so many federal regulations. Hopefully the increased awareness of the need to protect our environment and groundwater, which led to all of those newer regulations, will mean a cleaner world for our children and grandchildren. The unfortunate […]
Comment Correspondence
Ada County is presently paying more than $1.7 Million per year to transport county jail inmates. The vast majority of these dollars could have been saved. In earlier posts, I have discussed the failure of the Ada County courthouse financing scheme to work as originally presented to the public. The […]
Criminal Charges
It has been an interesting week in county government. A few of the issues we have been working on have included: • Finding out more about an old landfill site, now purported to contain hazardous waste, that Boise City and Ada County might have leased from the State of Idaho […]
Risk Management
Four months ago today, I was sworn into office. The time has been eventful, and passed quickly. It’s late, and I’m tired, so this post will be brief. Hopefully this blog has given you a glimpse into some of the issues with which we have dealt since I took office. […]
Marking Four Months
Eric ~ Yes, it is ITD and not ACHD. Front Street is a state road, not a local county road, so it is the Idaho Transportation Department that would have to act to address this situation. Clancy ~ CCDC is now charging $2.50 per hour for every hour of parking […]
Crosswalk Cross Talk
If one is heading to the Winco shopping center, it is counter-intuitive to have to walk a block down the street from the main entrance of the Ada County courthouse, to either Avenue A or 3rd Street, in order to cross Front Street at a crosswalk. Instead, many people take […]
Signalized Crosswalk Needed
Today, RSVP – the Retired Senior Volunteer Program – held its annual luncheon honoring many more experienced workers in our community. To the 748 seniors in Ada and Elmore Counties who volunteered 118,863 hours to our respective communities over the past year, and saved an estimated $2.3 million through your […]