Today, I had the pleasure of attending the “TWIN” Luncheon at the Boise Centre on the Grove. Although I do have ten-year-old girl/boy twins, it wasn’t about them. The event, more specifically the 17th Annual Tribute to Women and Industry Luncheon, honored successful businesswomen in our community. More importantly, it […]
Monthly Archives: March 2010
The story in today’s Idaho Statesman about vehicle emissions testing contains several inaccuracies and/or misrepresentations. First, I have been advocating reducing the number of required emissions tests since I first served on the Air Quality Board in 2001, as the relevant science has shown the additional tests do little to […]
Emissions Testing Program Facts
Well folks, it’s political season again and speculation about the next eleven weeks is running rampant. Political types have pulled out tired old campaign rhetoric to try to wow us, once again. One of my favorites is the old cliché about, “Family values.” I’ll tell you a little bit about […]
Family Values
It’s been quite some time since I posted anything on my blog, not because things are quiet but rather, to the contrary, because it’s been so busy that I haven’t found the time. These days, I am working on the following major issues: · Teaming up with Idaho State University, […]