Ada County was in excellent financial shape when I left office: The county carried forward 25 million unspent dollars from the FY 2013 budget into the following year’s budget Additionally, the county had more than $30 million in the bank, to pay off the courthouse bonds All of the county’s […]
Yearly Archives: 2016

The Board of Ada County Commissioners made another bad and costly decision: they settled a lawsuit with Fortistar Energy (aka Hidden Hollow Energy) by paying the company more than $2.6 million. Fortistar had no legal cause of action or legitimate claim against the county. Fortistar operates two engines at the […]
Fortistar Lawsuit Facts
During my six years as an Ada County Commissioner, my colleagues and I compiled a number of achievements on behalf of our 400,000-plus constituents. For example, we: • Left $81 million (yes, EIGHTY-ONE MILLION DOLLARS!) in county property taxpayers’ pockets. That is the cumulative effect of not taking the allowable […]
Prior Achievements as an Ada County Commissioner
In Florida in 2015, the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority opened the first waste-to-energy facility built in this country in 20 years. This distinction, and its accompanying economic development, could have belonged to Ada County. In 2010, Ada County Commissioners Fred Tilman, Rick Yzaguirre and I were seeking ways […]