SECOND TERM, January 2009 – January 2013
Left a cumulative $81 million in property taxpayers’ pockets by not taking allowable three percent budget increase all four years.
Refused campaign contributions from special interests, lobbyists, and county contractors.
Spearheaded money-saving Community Health Screening program.
Reduced cost of Ada County’s trash contract by $750,000 through rebidding process.
Funded the county justice center’s Executive Director position.
Chaired the countywide Hazard Mitigation Plan Committee.
Reduced parking rates at the Ada County courthouse.
Teamed with ACHD and ITD to install a traffic signal and crosswalk in front of the courthouse.
Identified the need for security cameras in unsupervised jail classrooms for instructor safety.
Purchased foreclosed foothills land linking Ridge-to-Rivers trails to the Avimor trail system.
Obtained the necessary support to remove Ada County Misdemeanor Probation from poorly managed private control.
FIRST TERM, January 2001 – January 2003
Prompted a $6 million property tax rebate by disclosing, and objecting to, the county’s $20 million slush fund.
Saved $7 million for taxpayers on an emergency radio system by questioning the initial, more costly, proposal by asking the right questions.
Saved Ada County taxpayers $412,000 a year (ongoing) on pre-sentence investigators, a legal responsibility of the State of Idaho.
Listened and investigated dispatchers’ complaints about system malfunctions and called for replacement of a life-threatening 9-1-1 dispatch system months before all other local leaders.
Objected to Lariat Productions’ takeover of Les Bois Park, which turned detrimental almost immediately.