I’m Shocked!

Okay, this is disturbing. When, at a COMPASS Board meeting I asked how we would get the placement of a crosswalk and signal for pedestrians in front of the Ada County Courthouse, the Idaho Transportation Department representative said that there are higher priorities. He indicated that ITD focuses their attention on improving intersections at which one or two or three people are killed each year. Unless (until) someone is killed trying to cross Front Street in front of the Courthouse, ITD will not be planning to address this safety issue.

Apparently, someone has to be killed before the State of Idaho allocates resources to fix obvious life-safety problems. I concur that intersections with a known history of problems (deaths) should be prioritized. What I want to know is, why we are spending money on so many other roadway projects when these obvious life-safety issues have yet to be addressed? Does addressing life-safety issues not rank at the top of ITD’s list of priorities?

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